Tag Archive for: Ellen Gable Hrkach

The CWG Booth at the CMN Trade Show

As Karina has already stated previously, Fridays are reserved for CWG board members. I’m the CWG Vice President, but I am also the editor of the Catholic Book News and the CWG booth organizer for the Catholic Marketing Network Trade Show, which will be held in conjunction with the Catholic Writers Conference Live from Wednesday, August 3 to Friday, August 5. The image above is from the 2009 Trade Show.

For the past several years, the CWG has participated in the Trade Show with a booth which displays many of our members’ books. I organize the booth, arrange book signings, meet people and enjoy the fellowship of other Catholic writers.

If you have written a book which you would like to display at the CMN Trade Show, please email me at ellengablehrkach(at)gmail.com. You don’t have to be in attendance to have your book displayed, but your book must either have the CWG Seal of Approval (or an imprimatur) OR it must be approved by one of our readers before it can be displayed. Deadline for book approval is June 1st. Books which already have been approved for the booth last year will be considered “approved” this year.

Keep in mind that the CWG Booth is there to promote the collective works of all our members and not just one particular member. Last year we had 20 authors who participated in book signings and more than 20 additional authors and presenters displaying books.

If you have written a book and would like submit your book for the CWG Seal of Approval, check out the CWG website. Each book which receives the Seal of Approval is showcased in a future issue of the Catholic Book News. The SOA is an award you can use to promote your book, increase visibility and sales. (The absolute deadline for consideration for the SoA before the conference is June 1 for e-mailed submissions and postmarked by May 15 for snail-mailed submissions. No exceptions.)

Only member books are displayed at the booth.

Ellen Gable Hrkach is an award-winning novelist and editor of the soon-to-be published “Come My Beloved: Inspiring Stories of Catholic Courtship.” Her blog is called Plot Line and Sinker. She lives with her husband and five sons in Pakenham, Ontario Canada.