Tag Archive for: faith

Remember Your Priorities

Last week, during the Catholic Writers Conference Online, I was reminded of something that I’m going to just go ahead and remind you of, too.

Because you know what? We all need to hear this.

Remember your priorities.

You are Catholic first, everything else second.

That means your big-V vocation–spouse, parent–comes before your little-v vocational pursuits or jobs–including your writing.

Blogging is something that’s easy to get into. But that doesn’t mean it’s right for you. It doesn’t mean you should blog.

When you’re not sure how you’re going to fit one more thing into your schedule, here’s my advice:

STOP. Pray. Listen.

I know, that’s so idealistic. You don’t have time to go to the bathroom unsupervised, and yet I’m challenging you to find somewhere quiet and turn up your ears? All you can hear is your own screaming. What the heck?

I was asked in two different chats, by at least four different people, how they should figure in blogging time.

“They,” after all, say that you should blog to build or grow your platform.

“They” say that blogging is a must.

But you know what? “They” are a bunch of idiots.

Do They have the same priorities you do? Are They called to the same Vocation and vocation as you? How are They even speaking to you?

Take what’s good and discern what’s not, and after you do, don’t look back when you leave it in the trash can.

Not everyone can blog, not everyone should blog, and hey! That’s OK!

We’re here to encourage each other, and I want to cheer in your corner.

Remember your priorities.

Frequent the sacraments, first and foremost, especially the Eucharist and Confession.

Spend time with Jesus BEFORE you spend time doing your work, whether it’s your primary vocation or your work pursuits.

Give it to him FIRST. Everyone else SECOND.

If you’re really stuck, take it to Adoration. Sit in the silence before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and lay your head in his lap. Let his mother stroke your temples and close your eyes.

This is where you belong. This is where you are headed. This is why you struggle through the day.

If blogging is something you are truly called to do, you will. You can.

It’s not easy to do God’s will, but it’s even harder when we’re deaf to what God’s trying to tell us.

Let’s pray for each other, shall we? It’s not an easy thing, being an artist. It’s not an easy call we’re heeding.

But easy isn’t what we’re after. Heaven is.

That rosary is one I got via Trendy Traditions.

Lent and Blogging

Over the years, my approach to blogging at Lent has remained pretty consistent: I keep doing it.

I have observed many others who either lighten their blogging load or give it up altogether. Some folks restrain themselves from their stats or turn off comments.

I’ve always just sort of kept going with it.

It’s worth exploring, especially in this space, how our writing endeavors (and thus our blogging endeavors) are affected by this important liturgical season.

Do you stop your blogging or lighten it up or something else? What’s the right answer?

That’s for you to decide.

As with so many other things, penance and our approach to Lent is highly personal. Some of us share it publicly, as a way of keeping ourselves accountable. I find that I’m helped, so often, by catching glimpses of what helps others in their spiritual walks.

Other people prefer to keep quiet and private about their Lenten approach. I have been doing that lately, in part because I have plenty of other things to write about and in part because I’ve discerned that, right now, that’s what’s right for me.

Some years, I’ll kick off a special series during Lent. This year, I’m starting a series of posts considering the Hail Mary word by word. The series will extend well beyond Lent, into the dog days of summer, but I’m looking forward to how it will surely help me during my Lent–and beyond–this year.

How about you? What are your blogging plans this year for Lent? If you care to share, I’d love to hear about it in the comments.

image credit: Marc Cardonella