Tag Archive for: memoir

Cath-Lit Live: Places of Grace

Cath-Lit Live: Places of Grace

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.



Places of Grace: My Visits to Shrines, Chapels, Graves, and Monasteries and the Graces I Received by Fr. Edward Looney

Places of Grace is a travel memoir recounting how God has worked in the life of Fr. Edward Looney through his visits to shrines, chapels, monasteries, and graves in the US and throughout the world. In Places of Grace, Fr. Looney recounts his experiences at shrines, chapels, monasteries, and graves, naming a grace he received from the Lord at each site. That grace will be different for each person. In his typical style, Fr. Looney weaves together personal anecdotes and experiences to arrive at a greater spiritual point, helping the reader and future pilgrim to better appreciate the holy sites they will visit during their earthly pilgrimage to Heaven. This book does not present the historical facts or architecture of holy sites, but the spiritual experience of a Catholic priest who hopes you will discover God’s grace at a shrine or holy site.




About the author:

Fr. Edward Looney was ordained a priest in 2015 for the Diocese of Green Bay. In addition to a Bachelor of Philosophy, a Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology (S.T.B.), and a Master of Divinity, he holds a Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.) from the University of St. Mary of the Lake-Mundelein Seminary. Fr. Looney specializes in Marian theology, having authored numerous works on Mary, including A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary and How They Love Mary: 28 Life-Changing Stories of Devotion to Our Lady available from Sophia Institute Press. He is a past president of the Mariological Society of America and continues to research, reflect, and write about Mary. Fr. Looney is a popular media personality, podcast host, and contributor to online publications and print publications like Living Faith. His interests include the Blessed Virgin, sainthood causes, shrines, and film/television.

You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.



Copyright 2024 Amy J. Cattapan
Banner image via Pexels

Cath-Lit Live: Be Bold in the Broken by Mary E. Lenaburg

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.

Be Bold in the Broken: How I Found My Courage and Purpose in God’s Unconditional Love by Mary E. Lenaburg

Who am I? What is my purpose? Where do I belong? These questions linger in every season of our lives, but, as Mary Lenaburg learned the hard way, answering them becomes possible only when we direct our hearts to the God who made us and loves us best of all. Following Lenaburg’s example in Be Bold in the Broken will give you the courage and inspiration you need to accept who you are—the good, the bad, and the awkward—and become the woman God made you to be. (courtesy of Ave Maria Press)

About the author: Mary Lenaburg is a full-time Catholic speaker and author of Be Brave in the Scared, which earned a 2020 Excellence in Publishing Award from the Association of Catholic Publishers. She has given keynotes at conferences internationally, including the Edel Gathering, the Genius Women’s Conference, the Fiat Conference, the Military Council for Catholic Women European Retreat, and the Women of the Word Conference. Lenaburg serves her home parish in many roles, including catechist, sacristan, and extraordinary minister of Holy Communion. She and her husband, Jerry, live in Fairfax, Virginia, with their son, Jonathan. Their daughter, Courtney, passed away in 2014.

You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” three times a month live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.

Copyright 2021 Amy J. Cattapan