Tag Archive for: politics

Meet “The Doorkeeper:” Solanus Casey, the Man without Ego

By Larry Peterson

The 2016 election (more than a year away) has already worn me down. The pundits include the greatest thinkers of our time. I know this because virtually all of the TV and radio commentators, campaign officials, editorial writers, government officials, TV talk show hosts, comedians and, of course the candidates are always saying, “I THINK…this” or I THINK…that.” Those folks sure do a lot of thinking. And I know it must be important thinking because the ones doing all the thinking are doing it on TV, radio, in print or somewhere in cyber-land. It MUST be important, right? Wrong!

They are all experts in everything you can think of and, filled with their own sense of grandiosity, they vilify, name-call, and besmirch those with an opposing viewpoint or philosophy. They even attack their opponent’s families. Then you hear the great Machiavellian disclaimer of, “Hey, that’s politics.” You know what, I have my own phrase for all of it: rude, obnoxious, self-gratified egomania. I’m so over it.

I decided to begin a search for someone sans EGO. I was sure it would be almost next to impossible. But guess what? It was not. We Catholics celebrate the great feast of All Saint’s Day on November 1. The saints are members of the Catholic Hall of Fame (I call it that). They are the best of the best, the crème de le crème, the most selfless of the unselfish. These are the people who loved God unconditionally and, in some cases, failed many times before they got it right. But they all invariably emptied themselves for others before they died, many times giving their lives in doing so.

Solanus Casey

By Mahatma Gandhi (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Let me tell you about one of them who was a quiet, uncomplicated  man who never aspired to be anything more than a simple priest. His name was Bernard Francis Casey, and his family and friends called him Barney. There are many guys and gals like Barney in our Catholic Hall of Fame and they, like Barney, were ‘ego-less.’ This was not a birth defect. Their secret simply was knowing how to love God with all their mind, heart and soul. That led them to love others more than themselves. It was NEVER about them.

Barney was born in Oak Grove, Wisconsin, back in 1870. He was the sixth of 16 kids of Irish immigrant parents. When Barney was a boy he contracted diptheria, and it left him with a permanently raspy-sounding voice. (Barney would never have qualified for American Idol). Barney felt the call to the priesthood but, at the age of 16, he hit a detour. He had to go to work to help the family and worked at jobs in Minnesota and Wisconsin as a lumberjack, a prison guard, a streetcar operator and a hospital orderly.

Barney Casey always did whatever job he had to the best of his ability, wanting to serve his God in all things. Five years later he was able to enter St. Francis High School Seminary in Milwaukee. He spent five years there before being able to move on and join the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. Upon his acceptance he took the name of Solanus after St. Francis Solanus, a 17th century missionary.

Solanus Casey was finally ordained a priest at the age of 33. He had to study extremely hard to reach that goal, and when he was finally ordained he was given the title “Sacerdos Simplex,” which means “simple priest.” This meant he was not permitted to preach or to hear confessions. He never complained; he took joy in just being a “simple priest.”

Father Solanus Casey lived in Detroit, and his main job at the monastery was that of “doorkeeper.” Father Casey, wanting to the absolute best at whatever God chose for him, became the finest doorkeeper that ever lived. He did this for well over 20 years and also became known for his service to the sick and the advice and consultations he would have with visitors. People began attributing cures and other blessings to his interaction with them or others.

Father Solanus Casey: a man who opened and closed doors for people. A man who had no ego and was happy to serve God in the simplest of ways. A man who, because miracles have been attributed to his intercession, was declared “Venerable” by Pope John Paul II in 1995. This is the first step toward canonization as a saint. Father Solanus Casey died in 1957.

Father Casey is the first man born in the USA to be on the road to full sainthood. And all he did was humbly and happily open doors for people and talk to them if they wanted. A Catholic Hall of Famer for sure, and quite the contrast to the gaggle of egotists that bombard us daily with their “I think” wisdom. Solanus (Barney) Casey has recharged me. It might be nice if all of today’s bloviating pundits could hear or read his story.

©Larry Peterson 2015. All Rights Reserved.

Does Legalizing “Same-Sex Marriage” also Legalize the “Three Parent Family”?

A blog I wrote on “same-sex marriage” was included in the Roundup on May 13. This post is on the same topic. The outcome of the pending court decision can profoundly change our Catholic freedom as we know it. The potential consequences for our children and their children could include the eradication of the traditional family.

The Republic of Ireland, once a bastion of Catholicism, now has embraced the distinction of being the first country in the world to approve a constitutional amendment endorsing “same-sex marriage.” I wrap the phrase in quotation marks because this whole concept is still an illusion. No matter how you spin, present, defend, and embrace the doctrine of “same-sex marriage” there is always going to be this tiny little problem called procreation. That is simply because within a “same-sex marriage,” procreation can never happen without the involvement of a third person, that person being of the opposite sex. “Same-sex marriage” spawns the “three-parent family.”

Already the Irish Prime Minister, Enda Kenny, has said that Catholic schools will be required to teach “same-sex marriage” as part of the curriculum. How can they do that? That violates Church teaching. Have we arrived at an international secular tipping point where Church teachings are subject to the whims and mores of the present culture? Apparently we have. What about the children?

Even the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuld Martin, simply voted “no” because of his OWN belief and did not defend the church he represents. The Archbishop, referring to a time when the Church hierarchy would instruct Catholics on how they should vote said that “those days are gone.” How courageously pathetic is that? Have any of you heard anything from our Catholic pulpits about this? I am stunned at the number of Catholics I talk to who do not seem to have a clue as to what is going on regarding this subject. And what about the children?

The Supreme Court of the United States of America will pronounce its ruling on the constitutionality of “same-sex marriage” toward the end of June. I believe that the decision has already been reached and is in the can, ready to be read. I also believe that the Court will go 5 to 4 in favor of “same-sex marriage.” I hope I am wrong because the ramifications of such a decision will be (in my opinion) catastrophic for the nation and especially for our future children.

This new law in Ireland confers an automatic right on a “same-sex couple” to procreate. Will that be the same in America? Good luck with that one. It cannot be done. You need a person of the OPPOSITE SEX to procreate. So are we now to have a whole new industry arise whose purpose will be to provide wombs and sperm, depending on the “same-sex” genders of the wannabe parents? And what about the children? How many future children will be born into “three-parent families”?

Will the Catholic/Christian schools be required to teach the secular dogma of this law? If they do not abide by this law, will they have to forfeit any tax credits or exemptions, i.e. their 501(c)3s? Will hefty fines be imposed? Can they be closed down by federal mandate? Will Catholic hospitals be told to violate their faith-bound principles? If they refuse to do so, will they then be forced to close because of the sudden absence of Medicare and Medicaid funds? What about the children? How do they find out about any possible genetic anomalies they might have? The mysteriously-absent-yet-genetically-related “third parent” will be nowhere to be found.

Bottom line–this is a disaster. No one is trying to deprive “same-sex couples” of any civil or legal rights. What we are watching here is the attempted destruction of the First Amendment to the Constitution followed by the destruction of the traditional family. Once the law of the land can tell the religions of the land what their believers must think and do, it is the end of our Republic as we know it. And when the children of these “three-parent families” grow up and want to find out who their REAL moms or dads were, how does that work? Do you call Ancestry.com?

We all had better be praying very hard over the next few weeks. Much is at stake.

Religion and Politics – A Polite Conversation

You know the old saw about not bringing up religion and politics in polite company? Well, I’m going to bring up both, as we have just entered the second annual Fortnight for Freedom. The U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has again called for two weeks of prayer and action to address many current challenges to religious liberty. As Catholics, how do these two facets of our lives intersect?

Last year, a few days after the election, I attended an evening presentation by Archbishop Charles Thompson of Evansville, Indiana. He opened his remarks by relating an encounter with one of his archdiocesan priests who had asked how he was to comfort parishioners distressed with the outcome of the election. His response was something to the effect of, “I was upset when I woke up and heard the results, too.” He paused, then added, “Of course, as a Catholic, I would have been just as upset no matter who won.”

That is the only statement I remember from the whole evening.

Political parties and governments are man-made, not God-created. Therefore, no party will embrace the full truth Christ preached. Yet, I know staunch Democrats and staunch Republicans who cannot fathom being Catholic without being a diehard member of their party.

A year ago, I believed that all Catholics knew more about their faith than I did. I am a convert, granted, from some thirty years ago, but the instruction I received prior to becoming Catholic was pretty spotty. To me, ‘conversion’ was nothing more than attending a different church – one with lots more ritual than I was used to, but hey. No biggie. Years passed. Then I encountered my first anti-Catholic sentiment. This was a turning point. I realized I was poorly equipped to explain my faith, which had quietly become the basis of who I am. I poured my energies into learning about the reasons behind all those ‘unreasonable’ tenets held by Catholics. This is not to say that I don’t struggle, because there are some teachings that are hard for me. But rather than turn my back on the Church, I have learned to accept some mystery.

I have come to realize that many of us (Catholics) do not understand, much less embrace, those core beliefs. Regular readers of this blog likely do, but the average Catholic, maybe not so much. And this is why our government, elected by us, is able to erode our freedom of religious liberty.

What steps are necessary to reclaim and restore those freedoms?

Remember (or perhaps understand) that as Catholics, we do not hold to a single conversion experience; rather, our lives are a continual conversion toward God. Moment by moment, we conform to His image, His reasoning. This is an ongoing, life-long process. With that in mind, we can do some of the following:

First, pray. Then pray. And last, pray. Pray for ourselves, that we become more Christ-like in our hearts, so that we can carry out the work of His kingdom within our sphere of influence. Pray for our leaders, both in the Church and in the government, that all will work for the good of the poor and the oppressed. Pray for those we don’t understand; pray for our enemies. Often, when we open ourselves to listening to others, we discover we have far more in common than we have differences.

Catechize ourselves. If you don’t understand why the Church teaches against contraception, read Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. An excellent resource in understanding the Bible itself is Jeff Cavins’ Great Adventure Bible Timeline series. Have you read the Catechism of the Catholic Church? I highly recommend it. In the past, I had used my Catechism like a dictionary. Have a question? Find the topic in the Catechism, look it up, and read two or three paragraphs about the subject. But the document is so much more than that. It is compassion, it is clear, it is welcoming. It explains the faith without judgment or apology. It invites.

Catechize those around us. When those uncomfortable subjects come up around the water cooler or in the break room, you’ll be in the unique position of being a myth-buster. Who knows? Maybe your spontaneous comment will be the one that stays with someone for months, and motivates them to learn more or reevaluate their thinking. Don’t forget your family and your faith community. We are all at different stages in our journeys, and we have much to learn from each other.

Vote. Educate yourself. Then vote your conscience.

Write your congressman and senators, at state and federal levels. It’s easy to do, especially now that their offices accept email. I’ve become a letter writer. That use of my God-given talent may be the most important. Only He knows. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Write an encouraging note to a friend.

Most of all, love. A joyful, listening heart is what we all long for, and will open more doors than any of our words.

You’ll notice that my approach to the Fortnight for Freedom begins at home, within each one of us. Our faith was never meant to stay there, though. Ships are not built for the harbor, but for the challenges of the open seas. Such is our faith.

Make sure your ship is seaworthy, and go. Become a fisher of souls.