Tag Archive for: sexual abuse

Cath-Lit Live: Where Angels Pass

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.

Where Angels Pass


Where Angels Pass by Ellen Gable

Teenager Evie Gallagher is stunned when her 45-year-old father dies tragically and suddenly. Too many unanswered questions accompany Evie’s challenging journey to adulthood. When she finally discovers the reason her father led such a troubled life, shock turns to anger. Nervous about the first day of his freshman year, 14-year-old Hank Gallagher steps inside Archangels High School for the first time in September of 1954. Although the majestic Archangels statues inside the school’s grand lobby present an air of protection, it is not long before Hank passes right under them and into the hands of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Confused and cornered by threats, Hank attempts to abandon his secret to the past, but a horrible wound on his heart eventually leads to a catastrophic breakdown. Chapters alternate between Evie and Hank to reveal a life haunted by betrayal and a revelation of true justice and hope.

Ellen Gable


About the author: Ellen Gable is an award-winning author of twelve books and a contributor to numerous others. Ellen is also a self-publishing book consultant, editor, NFP teacher, Marriage Preparation instructor, and Theology of the Body teacher. She and her husband, James Hrkach, are the parents of five adult sons ages 22 to 34, grandparents to two precious grandchildren, and they live in Pakenham, Ontario. In her spare time, Ellen enjoys playing trivia games, genealogy, watching classic movies, and reading on her Kindle.


You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.

Copyright 2022 Amy J. Cattapan