Tag Archive for: #WMF2015

From the President’s Desk – World Meeting Recap

CatholicWritersRetreatLogo2011iiiiI’m currently preparing to leave for the Catholic Writers Retreat (Your Word is My Delight) in Dewitt, Michigan. It begins on Sunday. If you’re attending, I look forward to seeing you there!

World Meeting of Families
My husband and I had a wonderful time last month at the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. We attended as exhibitors (manning the Catholic Writers Guild booth.) Special thanks to Erin McCole Cupp for helping set up the booth!

We spoke to many people, answered questions and gave out hundreds of Guild brochures and business cards. A few CWG members stopped by the booth to visit. We were there as exhibitors, but we also attended the keynote presentations and daily Masses.

CWG Booth, photo E. Hrkach

CWG Booth, photo E. Hrkach

Sacramental Life
Attending Mass daily with 17,500 other people was a unique experience. The Convention Center hall where Mass and the keynote presentations took place is an enormous indoor auditorium capable of seating 20,000 or more. There were Jumbotrons (big screens) that allowed us to see the altar up close. There was a bit of a Disneyland atmosphere and rarely could people remain quiet before Mass (despite the multi-language messages asking for prayerful reverence), but it was understandable given the numbers of people and the once-in-a-lifetime experience of the World Meeting of Families. There were also ample opportunities for adoration and confession.

Multicultural Experience
Each Mass was trilingual: English, Spanish and Vietnamese. The reading was proclaimed in one of the three languages and the Gospel in another language. The parts of the Mass varied in language, but our little Mass booklet always included the English translation. The homilies were in English and were given by the celebrant (usually a cardinal or bishop). Some of the break out sessions and keynote presentations were in different languages or translated for attendees.

On various occasions, while sitting in the lobby trying to access the internet, or in the washrooms, or in the narrow hallways, different languages could be heard by attendees. The Nigerian attendees dressed colorfully and identically, with a different vibrant outfit for each day, and on the first day, they could be heard chanting an exuberant African song in the halls of the Convention Center. A Vietnamese choir sang a beautiful hymn at one of the Masses and a large group of Spanish attendees enthusiastically chanted after one of the Masses.

With two members of the Nigerian group!

With two members of the Nigerian group!

The exhibit hall contained over 500 exhibitors from all over the world. EWTN, Knights of Columbus, many religious orders, publishers, Catholic stores and tee shirt companies sold items that one would normally have to purchase online and pay shipping. Some offered special deals. Unfortunately, because of “security concerns” with the Pope’s impending arrival, the World Meeting of Families organizers closed down the exhibit hall one day early, so many attendees didn’t have a chance to peruse the exhibits.

At the booth in the huge exhibit hall. We were right across from Ave Maria Press. Photo by L. Power

At the booth in the huge exhibit hall. We were right across from Ave Maria Press. Photo by L. Power

World Meeting of Families Mural
Attendees also had the unique opportunity to paint a small section of the World Meeting of Families mural, which will be permanently displayed on the side of St. Malachy’s School in Philadelphia when it is completed. The mural will be listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the “Mural with the highest number of contributors!”

My husband, James, painting a small section of the WMOF Mural. Photo by E. Hrkach

My husband, James, painting a small section of the WMOF Mural. Photo by E. Hrkach

Festival of Families and Papal Mass
It was edifying to see hundreds of thousands of Catholics and non-Catholics enthusiastically welcoming the Holy Father. Security was tight at both public transportation stations and security checkpoints to the ticketed area where both the Festival of Families and the Papal Mass were held. Digital devices were turned on to make sure they were actual devices. No one was exempt from the security, including all religious sisters and priests. Apples, oranges and hard fruits were taken away (because, we were told, they could be used as weapons). The confiscated fruit was donated to the local food bank and homeless shelter.

Because we arrived at the Ben Franklin Parkway early on Sunday morning, we managed to find a spot that had an excellent view of the altar. After walking 30 blocks (3.5 miles) our feet ached, but our hearts were full with anticipation as we waited for the Holy Father to arrive. A group of Spanish pilgrims chanted “Papa Francesco!” When Pope Francis finally passed by during the motorcade, I was too short to see him (although I was able to see the top of his white-capped head going by). Fortunately, my husband managed to take this excellent close up photograph of Pope Francis.

Photo courtesy James Hrkach

Photo courtesy James Hrkach

All in all, we were happy to have attended and promoted the Catholic Writers Guild. However, we were equally happy to be home as it was an exhausting trip!

CWG Elections!!
Elections are coming soon! Watch for an email that you’ll be receiving with information about voting!

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask! president(at)catholicwritersguild(dot)org.

In Jesus and Mary,

Ellen Gable Hrkach
President, CWG