Tag Archive for: zenit writers

Great Opportunities for Members, But We Need Your Help!

CWG members–we have some exciting programs that can only take off if we get volunteers.  Please check these out, pray on them, and contact Karina at coordinator(at)catholicwritersguild.com

give me


First, ZENIT has asked the Guild for contributors.  While this is a no-pay, it has a huge Catholic audience.  We are speaking with them now about requirements, but in the meantime, we need someone who will coordinate contributors and liaise with ZENIT staff.  We need someone who will be consistent and dedicated.  It probably won’t take more than an hour a week, not counting time for writing your own articles.

Second, the Archdiocese of Indianapolis has asked about CWG developing some school programs.  If you write for kids through high school, this could be an awesome op for you–and if it works out, we can take it nationally!  Again, we’re talking to the principals to find out their needs, but in the meantime, we need someone to coordinate.  This will require some work at the forefront, but in time, it should start moving pretty automatically.

Want CWG stuff?  We’re looking at starting a CafePress or Zazzle store, but we need someone to run it—basically checking on it now and again, adding stuff, etc.  After the initial set-up, it won’t take much time at all, maybe an hour a month, tops, but this could be a great money-making opportunity for us–plus it’s a chance for us all to get CWG stuff!

We’re very sorry to say that our news coordinator, Annette Tenny needs to bow out because of health issues.  Please pray for her!  In the meantime, please welcome Karl Erickson, who is stepping up to fill this role.  Thanks, Karl.


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