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Catholic Writers Guild
P.O. Box 77
Eaton, IN 47338
7 Nights and Eight Days, Patricia Asedegbega Nieto
A Burning Call, Mia Merran
A Channel of Your Peace, Veronica Smallhorn
A Changing of the Guard, Corinna Turner
A Child Will Lead Them, Elizabeth Schmeidler
A Freedom Such as Heaven Intended, Amanda Lauer
A Faith Such as Heaven Intended, Amanda Lauer
A Hero For The People, Arthur Powers
A Hunger in the Heart, Kaye Park Hinckley
A Life Decision, Laurie Lamb
A Nation of Tyrants, C & C Spellman
A Printer’s Choice, Bill Patenaude
A Subtle Grace, Ellen Gable
A Thread of Evidence, Joan Kelly
According to Thy Word, Karen Kelly Boyce
After the Thaw , Therese Heckenkamp
All in Good Time, Carolyn Astfalk
Anabelle of Anchony: Heart’s Relief, Ruth Apollonia
Andrew’s Key (Stories From Hartford), Amanda Hamm
Angela’s Song, AnnMarie Creedon
Annabelle of Anchony: Burdens of the Mind, Ruth Apollonia
Anyone But Him, Theresa Linden
Anything But Groovy, Amanda Lauer
Bleeder John Desjarlais
Bonvida’s Awakening, C.D. Smith
Bonvida’s Quest for Light, C.D. Smith
Calling An Angel, Richard de Montebello
Catholic Philosopher Chick Comes On Strong, Rebecca Bratten Weiss and Regina Doman
Catholic Philosopher Chick Makes Her Debut, Rebecca Bratten Weiss & Regina Domain
Charlotte’s Honor (Great War Great Love #2), Ellen Gable
Child of Destiny (Shadows of the Sun #3), Mina Ambrose
Close to the Soul, Mary Jo Thayer
Come Back to Me (Stay With Me #2), Carolyn Astfalk
Death of a Liturgist, Lorraine V. Murray
Discovery, Karina Fabian
Don’t You Forget About Me, Erin McCole Cupp
Down Right Good, Karen Kelly Boyce
Dying for Compassion, Dr. Barbara Golder
Dying for Revenge, Barbara Golder
Ella’s Promise, Ellen Gable Hrkach
End of the Road, Amy M. Bennett
Enkindle in Me, Erin Lewis
Epitaph, George Cameron Grant
Eternal Light of the Crypts, Alan Van’t Land
Eugenios, Julian Bauer
Eyes of Fire (Shadows of the Sun #3), Mina Ambrose
Fallen Graces, Jim Sano
Falling As She Sings, CJ Sursum
Fatal Rhythm, R.B. O’Gorman
Finding Grace, Laura Pearl
Firetender, Erin Lewis
Forget Me Not, Elizabeth Schmeidler
Frozen Footprints, Therese Heckenkamp
Full Cycle, Christopher Blunt
Gus Busbi, Jim Sano
Hawk Dancer, Joshua Seidl, SSP
Indian Emily, Jennifer Rengaw
In Name Only, Ellen Gable
In a Far-Off Land, Stephanie Landsem
In Pieces, Rhonda Ortiz
In the Shadows of Freedom, C & C Spellman
Infinite Space, Infinite God II, Karina & Rob Fabian (Out of Print)
In-Sight, Gerard D. Webster
Into the Way of Peace, Karen Kelly Boyce
Ishtar’s Redemption: Trial by Fire, A. K. Frailey
Julia’s Gifts, Ellen Gable
Love’s Labour Started, Martina Parnelli
Moonchild Rising (Shadows of the Sun #1), Mina Ambrose
Murder in the Vatican: The Church Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes, Ann Lewis
My Brother’s Keeper, Bill Kassell
No Lifeguard on Duty, Amy M. Bennett
No Pulling Back, Ruth Ann Hanley
Notions of Murder, Joan Kelly
Opal’s Jubilee, Leslie Lynch
Ornamental Graces, Carolyn Perpetua Astfalk
Passport, Christopher Blunt
Poppa, C. K. McKenna
Pursued by Love, Jeanne Bush
Rachel’s Contrition, Michelle Buckman
Royal & Ancient, Amanda Lauer
Self Portrait, Jim Sano
Shadow Stalker, T.M. Gaouette
Someday, Corinna Turner
Sons of Cain, Val Bianco
Specter, John Desjarlais
Stay With Me, Carolyn Astfalk
Stealing Jenny, Ellen Gable
Stolen Blessing, Jim Sano
Survival Sacrifices, Theresa Alt
Survival Spirit, Theresa Alt
Terrapin , T.M. Doran
The Art of Introductions, Amanda Hamm
The Birds and the Bees, Neena Gaynor
The Book of Jotham, Arthur Powers
The Boys Upstairs, Jane Lebak
The Cameo, Lorraine Shelstad
The Death Panels, Michelle Buckman
The Father’s Son, Jim Sano
The Fisherman’s Bride, Catherine Magia
The Good Thief, Robert Vall
The Hidden Legacy, Carrie Sue Barnes
The Life I Dreamed, Kari Burke
The Lion’s Heart, Dena Hunt
The Paradise Project, Suzie Andres
The Rose Ring, Anne Faye
The Scholar’s Challenge, Julian Bauer
The Soul Reader, Gerard D. Webster
The Tomb, A Novel of Martha, Stephanie Landsem
The Watson Chronicles, Ann Margaret Lewis
The Well, Stephanie Landsem
The Wistful and the Good, by G.M. Baker
Theophilos: A Novel, Michael O’Brien
Through the Open Window, Anne Faye
Tortured Soul, Theresa Linden
Treason, Dena Hunt
Trust in Love, Gerri Bauer
Twice Stolen, Suzanne Timpani
Two Statues, Brian Kennelly
Under A Fairy Moon, T. M. Wallace
Until I Return: Dawn of the Shining Darkness, Kenneth E. Nowell
Vassals of the Valley, Robin Sebolino
Van Horn, Jim Sano
Viper, John Desjarlais
Where Angels Pass, Ellen Gable
Who is Jesus? 1st Century Eyewitnesses Tell Their Stories, Cheryl Ann Wills
Working Mother, Erin McCole Cupp
A Body In Prayer, Neil Combs
A Boy for All Seasons, but a Man?, Thomas Caffrey
A Catholic Bride’s Wedding Planner, Tracy Becker (Not Available)
A Catholic Gardeners Spiritual Almanac, Margaret Rose Realy
A Garden of Visible Prayer: Creating a Personal Sacred Space One Step at a Time, Margaret Rose Realy
A Painted Rosary, Kate Franz
A Pilgrimage of Hope, Mary McCarthy
A Rock and a Hard Place, Deanna Klingel
A Spiritual Growth Plan for Your Choleric Child, Connie Rossini
A Stained Glass Rosary, Kate Franz
A Titanic Hero: Thomas Byles, Cady Crosby
Be An Amazing Catechist: Inspire the Faith of Children, Lisa Mladinich
Bead by Bead: The Scriptural Rosary, Meggie K. Daly
Blessed, Beautiful, and Bodacious: Celebrating the Gift of Catholic Womanhood, Pat Gohn
Blood of the Lamb Catholic Bible Study, Beth Leonard
Broken Brain, Fortified Faith, Virginia Pillars
Catholic Family Boot Camp, Mary Lou Rosien
Catholic Mosaic: Living the Liturgical Year with Literature, Cay Gibson
Catholic Traditions: Growing with Your Garden, Margaret Rose (Not available)
Chosen to Heal, Laura Wright
Christmas Mosaic, Cay Gibson
Cling to Hope with Joy: Messages from Scripture, Janet Klasson (Not available)
Come My Beloved: Inspiring Stories of Catholic Courtship, Ellen Gable Hrkach and Kathy Cassanto
Comic Con Christianity, Jennifer Perry
Confessions of a Catholic Homeschool Mom, Karen Salstrom
Contraception and Catholicism: What the Church Teaches and Why, Angela Franks
Crazy Love, Eileen Leamy
Daddy, Come & Get Me, Gil Michelini
Diary of A Country Mother: A Year Remembering Tim, Cynthia A. Montanaro
Dream of the Great Ship – Interpretations of Saint John Bosco’s Dream of the Two Columns, Tim Bartel
Faith and Life Planner, Sarah Hughes (Not Available)
Father, Can You Teach Me How to Live?, Kathleen Paiva Alford
Fatima: The Apparition that Changed the World, Jean Heimann
Finding Faith in A Godless World: A Catholic Path To God, Alex Basile
Finding Hope on Vegas, Michelle Davis
For the Sake of His Sorrowful Passion, Meggie Kay Daly
Forgiving Mother, Marge Fenelon
Forgotten Truths to Set Faith Afire, Michael Seagriff
Fostering Love, Kathleen Paydo
God Moments: Stories That Inspire, Moments to Remember, Michele Elena Bondi
Haystack Full of Needles: A Catholic Home Educators’ Guide to Socialization, Alice Gunther
Hidden Paths to the Creator, George Santamarina (Not Available)
Hiding in the Upper Room, Kelly Breaux
How God Hauled Me Kicking and Screaming Into the Catholic Church, Kevin Lowry
How to Pray the Rosary, Bernard McCaffrey (Not Available)
I Thirst For Your Love, Michael Seagriff
I’m Listening: Praying with Art and Story, Victoria Ryan
In God’s Hands, Maureen Cummings
In His Image: Nurturing Creativity in the Heart of Your Home, Mary Gildersleeve
In the Footsteps of St. Therese, Teresita Ong
Into the Light: Reflections for Hope and Healing, Katie Martinez
It Doesn’t End Here: An Amazing Journey of Faith and Forgiveness, Dawn Marie Roeder
Joy-Filled Broken Heart, Mary Lou Rosien
Know Thyself: The Imperfectionist’s Guide to Sorting Your Stuff, Lisa Hess
Learning to Love with the Saints: A Spiritual Memoir, Jean Heimann
Lectio Divina: 30 Days of Peace Journal, Kate Franz
Lessons From The Master: Living Like Jesus, Alex Basile
Meditating on Christ’s Passion, Michele Bondi Bottesi
Miracle Man, Judy Landrieu Klein
My Catholic Keepsake, Kate Franz
My Hand in Yours, Our Hands in His, Kimberly Cook
My Queen My Mother, Marge Fenelon
Not My Mother’s Journey, Heather St. Aubin-Stout
Paul’s Prayers, Susan Anderson
Praying the Mass: The Prayers of the People, Jeffrey Pinyan
Praying the Mass: The Prayers of the Priest, Jeffrey Pinyan
Prompt Me to Pray, Monica McKonkey
Rebellion: A Brief History of Satan’s Battles Against the Domestic Chuch, Michael LaMorte
Recipes for Life: A Catholic Family Cookbook, Marian Frentz (Not Available)
Reiser’s Ramblings, Father Bernard Reiser
Secrets to Successful Financial Planning, Dan Gallagher
Seven Saints for Seven Virtues, Jean M. Heimann
Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story, Nancy Ward
Simple Mercies, Lara Patangan
Souls at Rest: An Exploration of the Idea of Sabbath, Charlotte Ostermann
Stirring Slumbering Souls, Michael Seagriff
Tales of Glory: The Stories Icons Tell, Matthew W. Gaul
The Arrow That Flies By Day, Bart Colli
The Art of Listening to Young People – A Pastoral and Scientific Guide, Amoris Christi
The Catholic Baby Name Book, Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur
The Catholic Working Mom’s Guide to Life, JoAnna Wahlund
The Christian Way to be Happily Married, David Sanderlin
The Confession of Grace, Pamela Patnode
The Execution of Jesus Christ, Dr. Mark Kubala
The Gentle Road To Jesus: Bringing Christ To Every Classroom and Home, Alex Basile
The Handbook for Catholic Moms: Nurturing Your Heart, Mind, Body and Soul, Lisa Hendey
The Infernus Files, Patrick S. O’Hara
The Loser Letters: A Comic Tale of Life, Death, and Atheism, Mary Eberstadt
The Mindful Catholic, Gregory Bottero
The Saint Monica Club, Sherry Antonetti
The Third Floor Window, A True Story of Secrets, Survival and Hope, Colleen Spiro
There You Are, God!, Karina (Lumbert) Fabian and Deacon Steve Lumbert
This is My Body This is My Blood: A Handbook for Getting to Know and Love the Holy Mass, Marie Diane Guay
This Is Your Last Warning: An Authoritative End of Days Timeline, Donna Silveira
True Radiance: Finding Grace in the Second Half of Life, Lisa Mladinich
Trusting God with St. Therese, Connie Rossini
Unbridled Grace: A True Story about the Power of Choice, Dr. Michael J. Norman
Unveiling and Conquering Adultery, E. Guevara
Victorious Exile, Echo Lewis
When Headlines Hurt, William Schmitt
Yes, God!, Susie Lloyd
Your Faith Has Made You Well: Jesus Heals in the New Testament, Barbara Hosbach
Your Personal Apostolate: Accepting and Sharing the Love of God, Michele Elena Bondi
A Scribe’s Parchment, Timothy Neboyskey
Edgewater, Arthur Powers
Roses for the Most High, Ron Smith
Smallest Leaf: A Collection of Poetry, Lisa Toth Salinas
The Wild Wood’s Edge, Bart Price
Beloved: A Collection of Timeless Catholic Prayers, Margaret M. Dvorak
Oremus, Let Us Pray, Carole Whitty (Out of Print)
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