Seal of Approval, Fourth Quarter 2022

Seal of Approval, Fourth Quarter 2022

The Catholic Writers Guild recently conferred the Seal of Approval on the following books:

  • Bella’s Beautiful Miracle, Kimberly Novak
  • I Will Always Be Me, Kristina Schoettle
  • The Wistful and the Good, Mark Baker
  • Please Don’t Feed the Dinosaurs, Corinna Turner

The purpose of the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval is to help Catholic bookstores and venues in their determination of the Catholicity of a work. This reassurance from a professional organization can assist authors in marketing and promoting their works. Books are also judged by their editorial integrity as well. Books that are not professionally edited or publication-ready are not eligible for the Seal of Approval.

Authors looking to reach a Catholic audience, but whose books do not qualify for an imprimatur (like fiction), or authors who do not have access to the process to get an Imprimatur, can submit their book for the SoA. It provides a tangible reassurance to readers and bookstore owners that the book does support Catholic beliefs and values; and in the case that it does not, it gives the author some useful feedback.

Readers can be assured that SoA books will not offend their faith and have a certain level of editorial quality.

Store owners can be assured that they can stock the book on their shelves, host the author for a signing, etc. without compromising their appearance or mission as a faithful Catholic apostolate.

Get more information on the Seal of Approval, including when and how to apply, at

Cath-Lit Live: America’s Mary

Cath-Lit Live: America’s Mary

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.



America’s Mary: The Story of Our Lady of Good Help by Marge Steinhage Fenelon

In 1859 on the Door County Peninsula of northeast Wisconsin, Mary appeared three times to a young Belgian woman named Adele Brise. She identified herself as the Queen of Heaven and gave Adele instructions to teach the children their catechism, pray, do penance, sacrifice, and receive the sacraments frequently. Adele was initially met with skepticism, and during her lifetime she experienced many trials, including persecution. Still, she maintained that she was telling the truth and courageously carried on the mission the Blessed Mother had given to her. Based on historical documents, testimonies, personal interviews, and expert analysis, America’s Mary: The Story of Our Lady of Good Help chronicles for the first time the United States’ only Church-approved Marian apparition.



About the author: Marge Steinhage Fenelon is an award-winning author, retreat leader, internationally known speaker and Catholic media personality. She has written several books on Marian devotion and Catholic spirituality, including the best-selling Our Lady, Undoer of Knots: A Living Novena (Guided Reflections from the Holy Land) and the award-winning My Queen, My Mother: A Marian Pilgrimage Across America. Her newest book is America’s Mary: The Story of Our Lady of Good Help. She is an instructor for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Deacon Wives Program and holds certificates in Spiritual Mentoring and Mariology. Her podcast, Simply Holy, airs weekly on many popular podcast platforms. Visit her website at



You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.




Copyright 2022 Amy J. Cattapan
Banner image via Pexels

Book Review: A new Catholic Chapter Book Series

Saint Joseph, The Foster-Father Saint, is the first in the Adventures with the Saints Series. Maria Riley takes the young reader on a journey into God’s word. Using honest and factual situational instances, Maria eloquently describes the foster care process through adoption. Throughout the story, the genuine love of family is highlighted between Joshua, the foster child, and his soon-to-be forever family. How Maria guides the young reader into this family is endearing and easily understood, appealing to a third-grade reading level.

Aside from the feelings of comfort Joshua receives once he joins this family in foster care are gems of inspiration and events which educate and enhance the knowledge of God and His love.  Valuable lessons are woven throughout each chapter, which benefits not only Joshua but also his new siblings. These instances are portrayed in adventurous ways and have a powerful effect.

Many aspects of family life during the adoption process are depicted honestly and give the reader a look into the child’s heart. This is likely due to Maria’s deep love for all her children, even though they didn’t come to her the same way.  Maria and her husband were foster parents and adopted three of her four daughters through foster care.

“You are a gift from God, and I thank God every day for giving me the precious gift of you.”

As the “adventure” unfolds, Maria brings the reader into the biblical story just after the birth of Jesus. It is in this endearing moment when the importance of God’s love for all His children is brought to the forefront. The many educational opportunities within this story are perfect for the intended reading level and beyond. As an adult, reading the story with child-like faith brought me deeper into the loving relationship between St. Joseph and baby Jesus.

The effects the adventure has on the three children differ depending on their ages, and this compares wonderfully to how God’s word affects us all in different ways.  As a mom of three adult children, being reminded that my children are not only mine but belong to God was eye-opening. Children may outgrow the parent/child relationship; however, when a child is brought up in the love of God, spiritual growth is never-ending. This valuable lesson for parents is hidden within the creativity of Maria’s writing.

My favorite parent moment happens in the last chapter when Molly, their mom, enters the scene after the children have expressed their feelings to one another. Upon listening to the children honestly express what they had been up to that afternoon, Molly does not discount any of it. Instead, she responds with excitement, joy, and genuine interest in hearing about their conversations with the beloved saint.

As the first in the series, Saint Joseph, The Foster-Father Saint, is a blessing for all families, not only those involved in foster care!  St. Joseph, The Foster-Father Saint, releases in November 2022, with more series installments in a few months. 

You can purchase the book on Amazon or at

Cath-Lit Live: The Merchant’s Curse

Cath-Lit Live: The Merchant’s Curse

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.



The Merchant’s Curse (The Harwood Mysteries Book 4) by Antony Barone Kolenc

In this thrilling installment of the award-winning Harwood Mysteries series, Xan leaves the Abbey for far-away Lincoln to apprentice with his uncle. But he quickly learns that all is not well. Uncle William has fallen in debt to a heartless moneylender called the Master. Nigel, the reckless nephew of William’s business partner, has put them in danger by befriending an enemy of the King.

Why are the Master’s thugs lurking near Uncle William’s shop? Does the disfigured woman in the marketplace really have power over life and death? Will Nigel stop his dealings with a known traitor? (Loyola Press)




About the author: Antony Barone Kolenc (“Tony”) is the author of the award-winning teen historical fiction series, “The Harwood Mysteries,” which has won eight book awards. He is also the host of The Shepherd’s Pie radio show and podcast, which focuses on issues that impact young people today. He is an author of fiction and non-fiction books and articles, and a columnist for Practical Homeschooling magazine. He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel from the U.S. Air Force Judge Advocate General’s Corps after 21 years of military service. He currently teaches law at Ave Maria School of Law, and he speaks at writing, legal, and homeschool events. Tony and his family live in Florida.



You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.

Copyright 2022 Amy J. Cattapan
Banner image via Pexels

(Mis)interpreting God’s Will

(Mis)interpreting God’s Will


About eight months ago, my husband was laid off. Thankfully, he was given a three-month severance, so we were not immediately strained. However, I’m a stay-at-home-mom with our four daughters, and the reality of not having an income felt overwhelming and stressful. Even if we don’t worship money and make it our priority, we still need it to pay the bills.

Before he was let go, my husband had started really struggling with his job, and had actually already started looking for work elsewhere. This layoff, we thought, was a beautiful gift from God to allow him to spend more time applying and interviewing to find the right position for him. We both felt confident that he would secure a new position before the severance expired.

As the first three months drew to a close, with not a single job offer despite more than fifty applications submitted and countless interviews, our hearts started to listen for God’s will taking us in a different direction. Maybe, I suggested one day, we could look into long-term missionary work. My husband, surprisingly, didn’t disagree.

I began researching companies and found one that seemed to be the right fit. We submitted an application, completed the initial interview, and began the official discernment process. We thought we had figured out the meaning of his job loss. God wanted to clear the path so we could become full-time missionaries.

It didn’t take long for us to realize that four kids who would be between 13 and 9 would not thrive in that environment. At this point, I fell into despair. If my husband didn’t lose his job to find a better one, and not so we could become missionaries, what was the meaning of it all? Why, God? We felt entirely ready to do His will, but for the life of us, we just couldn’t figure that out.

Then, with his newfound free time, my husband agreed to help support me in the endeavor of self-publishing my first children’s chapter book. The process has been arduous. As it turns out, the writing is actually a very small portion of publishing. But with my husband’s encouragement, accountability, support, and technical know-how, I am now a published author with more books for the series in the pipeline. My book is a special piece of my heart that I’ve written for my children, and I know that God has willed it into existence.

A year ago, being a published author was a dream I hoped might happen in three to five years―if ever. Today, I’m autographing books for kids across the county. Yet this book won’t pay the bills (they rarely do), and I honestly don’t know what the future holds for us. For today, I’ve stopped trying to figure it out. I don’t know what doors will close and what windows will fly open. All I know is that God will take care of us.




Sometimes I get so caught up in understanding the meaning of everything and wanting to know the future, that I forget that God is the present. When He spoke to Moses, He said “I AM” (cf. Exodus 3:14). He didn’t say, “I WAS.” He didn’t say, “I WILL BE.” God is always and forever the present tense. Today, we have a roof over our heads, food in the pantry, and more to rejoice over than there are minutes in the day. Today, I will write as I am commanded, and do whatever He tells me. And if I can do that again tomorrow and the day after, He will continue to provide.

I’m sure I’m not done misinterpreting God’s Will in my life. Each time, I pray that I will recognize my folly and recenter myself in His present will. I pray I continue doing today what is asked of me, and trusting that even though I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, I have nothing to fear.


Copyright 2022 Maria Riley
Images:Uoaei1, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons; Eekim, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Cath-Lit Live: 5-Minute Prayers Around the Advent Wreath

Cath-Lit Live: 5-Minute Prayers Around the Advent Wreath

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.



5-Minute Prayers Around the Advent Wreath by Lisa M. Hendey

Spend just five minutes a day praying around your Advent wreath with popular author Lisa M. Hendey’s heart-felt reflections and you’ll experience the promise, renewal, and hope of the Advent season. Hendey—founder of—invites you to take up the centuries-old tradition of lighting candles and gathering around an Advent wreath in prayer with family and friends. These Scripture-based devotions are perfect for any age and setting, and offer a few minutes of simplicity, focus, and sacred longing as you contemplate and prepare for the great gift of Christ’s birth. Each day includes an opening antiphon and a closing prayer, a Scripture reading, a short reflection, and questions to ponder, journal about, or use in conversation. (Ave Maria Press)



About the author: Lisa M. Hendey is the founder of and a bestselling author. She has journeyed around the globe to hear and share messages of hope and encouragement. Her Chime Travelers series for kids is read and studied worldwide in homes, schools, and churches. A frequent TV and radio guest, Lisa also hosts two podcasts. Lisa and Greg Hendey worship and live in Los Angeles, CA.



You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.


Copyright 2022 Amy J. Cattapan
Banner image via Pexels

There Are So Many Books…

Today, I went to a used bookstore and a library.

There were so many books.

I picked up a children’s book, written with care and published 80 years ago, that is now just sitting in a used bookstore, gathering dust. I would bet very few people know about this book, let alone remember its story and its author.

It’s enough to make me wonder why—why do I write? Why am I adding books to this plethora of stories that already exists? What do I have to add?

I closed my eyes and sighed, but then I felt a sense of peace fill my heart.

God has called me to write. He gave me a gift, and it’s meant to be used. He puts the stories in my mind and knows they will reach who they need to reach.

There have been many times in the past few years that I have felt a small desire to get a job. It would let me get out of the house, interact with other adults, and have a sense that I’m accomplishing something. However, every time I tried to picture myself at a job, God would give me a vision of myself sitting at our home office desk, writing. That vision would give me peace with where my life was at that moment and where it is now.

Writing is something I can do while I stay home to homeschool my children. In fact, writing is something I can do just about anywhere, and I have. Home, coffee shops, restaurants, hotels, cars, libraries, park benches—the list of locations where I have worked on my books is long.

I was listening to a podcast on creativity and the guest being interviewed mentioned that creativity is important whether it is seen or unseen because it is seen by God.

God sees the first, second, and third drafts. He sees the sections I wrote that never get printed. He sees the time I spend daydreaming scenes and characters. He sees the piles of ideas scratched out. I need to remember that.

God knows about that children’s book author. He knows what it took to write that story and get that book published. He knows who read it and how it affected him or her. He remembers. He knows about every one of the thousands books I saw today and the work that went into each one. He also knows about every book that hasn’t been published. The sentences still in laptops, in notebooks, or lost forever to us through fires and decay. He knows about the ideas the come and then flit away.

We always have an audience and, because of that, even if it never gets printed, our work is worthwhile.

God sees it.

Copyright © 2022 Sarah Anne Carter

Dear God

Dear God –

I sat thumbing through each page of my recent journal, earnestly looking for an article topic this month. It is not often that my idea bank runs dry. So, when that happens, it can be frustrating. I have made it a practice that when I feel God has given me a topic to write about, I highlight it or place a circle around it on the journal page. This makes it easier for me to find as I page through when the time comes.

I like to use a lined journal with pretty gold edges, and if it has scripture passages in the bottom margin, that is a perk.  I just love the days when my prayer and the pre-printed verses on the page blend perfectly. I often circle and highlight those moments as well.

Journaling has become a routine part of my prayer life.  My spiritual director insists that when you journal, you engage in an intimate prayer moment, and I can’t argue her point. I’ve experienced some pretty deep connections to what my heart wants to say to God as my pen glides across the page. Moments like this do not happen daily, which you might think they would since I am always writing on spiritual matters. 

Spiritual Writing happens for me when I listen to the guidance and nudges of the Holy Spirit. Always pointing me toward a topic or a situation that is, most often, something I would never consider writing about. Journaling prayer is quite the opposite. 

I believe the Holy Spirit is with me in the experience of prayer, but as I write to Jesus on my page, I am more apt to collapse in the emotions of what is happening in my life on that given day. There is a surrender that takes place, a release of fear in that I am entirely alone with Jesus and my thoughts. This may not sound any different than praying with words, but think about it for a moment.  If you had something really important to ask your best friend, do the words flow more accessible from your voice or your written hand?

I have an amusing memory that pops up surrounding that question. Growing up, I was always the shy and quiet one both at home and at school.  Almost every time I wanted to ask my parent’s permission for something, I left a handwritten note on the kitchen counter before bed. Then in the morning, I would race from my bedroom to see their answer. 

In those instances, fear kept me from vocalizing my request. In the act of writing, I was successful in stating my need. As a result, sometimes I received the answer I wanted, other times not so much. We can apply this same practice to our prayer. Fear may be blocking us from vocalizing our needs, but when the pen strikes the paper, it may pour from your heart. The result of our prayers, whether spoken or written, will have the same outcome as my childhood memory. Some will be answered in the way we hope, others not so much. Not knowing how God will respond is where our faith and trust in Him take hold.


Communicating with God in this way is not an exact science, and it will differ from person to person. If you are not familiar with journaling prayer, consider giving it a try. You might be surprised at how your heart and mind open up to communicating with Jesus in this way.  However, if you are the type where your voice is more apt to be free of clutter and genuine than holding a pen, then I say don’t stop speaking your prayers; use journaling as a supplement.

As I stated at the beginning of this post, I set out today to find an article topic. I felt I was initially unsuccessful until I realized that God had sent me into the journal with my hands up, asking for His help.  He accommodated me by reminding me why I journal in the first place. Opening my heart in the most intimate and vulnerable ways leads me to deeper communication and often results in God’s insightful guidance. Today was no different, as God led me to share these fruitful insights, which I know will lead Him into your heart. The next time you pray, keep your journal handy, when you feel the time is right, simply grab hold of your pen, and scribe: Dear God.

Copyright 2022 Kimberly Novak
Images: Canva

Cath-Lit Live: The Women Doctors of the Church

Cath-Lit Live: The Women Doctors of the Church

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.



The Women Doctors of the Church by Colleen Pressprich

The Women Doctors of the Church is a beautifully illustrated introduction for children to four extraordinary women who have helped shape the Church. Saint Hildegard of Bingen, Saint Teresa of Ávila, Saint Catherine of Siena, and Saint Thérèse of Lisieux all faced unique challenges in their lives but fixed their identities firmly in Christ and became incredible examples of holiness. These women—called Doctors of the Church for their intellectual and spiritual impact—show us what it means to have a servant’s heart, how to love God and neighbor, and why it’s important to follow God’s unique plan for our lives. Written especially for Catholic families, The Women Doctors of the Church brings these amazing women to life for young hearts and minds, reminding us that we are all called to be saints— and maybe even someday Doctors of the Church! (Our Sunday Visitor)



About the author: A former missionary and former Montessori teacher, Colleen seeks to use the lessons she learned in the mission field and the classroom to live her dream homeschooling and building the domestic church. Colleen lives with her husband and children in Michigan, where they enjoy everything about spring, summer, and fall, and hate the winters. She is the author of Marian Consecration for Families with Young Children and The Women Doctors of the Church.



You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.



Copyright 2022 Amy J. Cattapan

Cath-Lit Live: Markmaker

Cath-Lit Live: Markmaker

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.



Markmaker by Mary Jessica Woods

He swore to paint the truth. Now he is living a lie. For the Noxxiin people, tattoos define identity: they commemorate birth, ancestry, accomplishments—even crimes. As a tattoo artist living on an ancient generation ship, Mariikel Serix has sworn to record the truth. So when he becomes an unwilling accomplice in the banishment of an innocent man, he is horrified that he has broken his oath—and his eyes are opened to the misery of the Underbelly, the realm of the outcasts.



About the author: Mary Jessica Woods is a Byzantine Catholic writer and editor who was raised near Chicago, Illinois. She is a graduate of Wyoming Catholic College, and her writing has appeared in America Magazine, Catholic World Report, and First Things. She also serves on the editorial team for the literary magazine Dappled Things. In her mind, she spends most of her time on distant planets or alien spaceships, but she actually lives in rural Michigan.



You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.



Copyright 2022 Amy J. Cattapan