This image shows a fountain pen and the words "The Catholic Writers Conference Online, January 31st through February 2nd, 2025

Catholic Writers Conference Online



In 2008 (or was it 2009? It was so long ago!), I attended an online writing conference called MuseItUp. It was done in chatrooms and forums and it was amazing! I learned so much, made lifelong friends, and even got a book contract. 

The year before, some of us Catholic writers had started the Guild, and we’d talked about having a conference, but a live one was so much work for the few of us there were—not to mention the expense. But what about an online one?

That year, Ann Lewis and I created the Catholic Writers Conference Online. It was a blast, with chats and classes. The next year, we added pitch sessions. Now, twenty-five years later, it has launched careers, brought writers together, and helped forward the mission of bringing great Catholic writing—and writers—into the world.

The next conference is January 31-Feb 2, 2025. We have 24 webinars covering writing (fiction and nonfiction), promotions and marketing, AI, and (of course) the influence of faith in writing. We have seven publishers and an agent ready to hear pitches. We even have two practices scheduled to help you get ready (Feb 3 and 4).

It’ll be our best conference yet, but we need the secret ingredient.


If you’ve been looking for something to jumpstart your writing, revitalize your motivation, or just get you pumped up—or if you’re new to writing or looking to grow your knowledge, there’s no better place and time. 

Join us Friday, January 31 – February 2, with pitch practice on Feb. 3 & 4, and pitch sessions on Feb. 10-13.

The cost is $65 for nonmembers and $45 for CWG members. (Find the coupon code in the #online-conference thread on Heartbeat)

Not a member of the Catholic Writers Guild yet? Join now to get that discounted rate for the Online Conference!

Online Conference Registration – CLICK HERE


copyright 2025 Karina Fabian

Edited by Heather Gaffney


Register now for the 2024 Catholic Writers Conference Live!

Register now for the 2024 Catholic Writers Conference Live!


Catholic authors of fiction and nonfiction will convene at the Holiday Inn Chicago O’Hare May 28-30, 2024, for the Catholic Writers Conference Live. This annual event is sponsored by the Catholic Writers Guild, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to building a vibrant Catholic literary and artistic culture, and hosted by the Association of Catholic Publishers (ACP) in conjunction with their annual meeting. Both new and experienced writers are welcome to attend. 




On May 28 and 29, attendees will be treated to presentations and panel discussions by top Catholic authors and editors. Tuesday’s highlights include keynote speaker Fr. Edward Looney, a priest of the Diocese of Green Bay. He is known for his contributions to Marian theology, is an author of over ten books, columnist, and podcaster (Hey Everybody, It’s Fr. Edward). Wednesday’s keynote speaker is Write These Words cofounder Claire Dwyer, a Catholic wife and mom, content editor and senior copywriter for the Avila Foundation, writing coach and co-founder of the PraiseWriters Writing Community. She is also the author of the bestselling This Present Paradise: A Spiritual Journey with St. Elizabeth of the Trinity

 During Wednesday’s lunch (included in the registration fee), attendees will have the opportunity for small group mentoring. Authors with completed fiction manuscripts or nonfiction book proposals can also sign up for a pitch session on May 30 with a Catholic publisher or literary agent. Editors from Ascension Press, Liturgy Training Publications, Our Sunday Visitor, and Pauline Books and Media, and Paulist Press will be hearing pitches. Workshops on Thursday morning complete the conference events, and writers are invited to participate in the ACP’s breakout sessions that afternoon.

Visit the conference website to view the full schedule, register, and sign up for pitch sessions.

Download and share the press release for the conference.

COpyright 2024 Barb Szyszkiewicz


“The wind* blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes; so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:8 (1)


The winds of March always have been infamous. Some days you might be lucky enough to fly a kite along the beach, or above an open field where the grass is beginning to show a bit of green. Other days you might cower inside, with a hot cup of tea, while a raging blizzard or northeaster demolishes the emerging shoots of spring bulbs.

Whether you are experiencing the lamb or the lion as you read this, on our first March Saturday of 2024, I want to introduce you to some new friends in faith I’ve been blessed to encounter through the wind of the Holy Spirit this Lent.

Even though I’ve written and edited for small literary publications for most of my adult life, I grew up in the era of print. The role of managing editor for an online literary journal is relatively new for me. So, with a good intention towards “continuing education” — but little real hope — I ran a Google search.

And behold! An organization called Catholic Literary Arts (3) popped up in the search results, with a class entitled “How to Run a Literary Journal: The How, Why, and Wherewith” (4).

Founded by multi-faceted literary artist and president, Sarah Cortez (5), in 2020 –the year of their first Sacred Poetry Contest (6) — Catholic Literary Arts is based in the state of Texas. Already it is blessed by, and welcomes, writers from a variety of different cultural backgrounds.

The organization received assistance with its establishment, Sarah told me, from Catholic Writers Guild’s own beloved founder, supporter, and former vice president, Deacon Arthur Powers, who also served as one of CLA’s first instructors for online classes (7).

Two additional seminars on the 2024 CLA website looked so appealing that I signed up for those, as well.

Dr. J. Larry Allums’ seminar, now concluded, “The Short Story’s Brilliance and Clarity in Revealing Spiritual Truth,” focused on classical writers Nathaniel Hawthorne, Gustav Flaubert, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and James Joyce (8).

I was amazed and delighted by the openness of sharing about spiritual insights among participants. I appreciated the opportunity to recollect how important it is to study the classical spiritual writers.

Ryan Wilson, Editor-in-Chief for Literary Matters (9), based at the Catholic University of America, and the CLA instructor for “How to Run a Literary Journal …” already in our first session offered an in-depth history of literary journals; and updated participants with the latest news about an extensive list of contemporary journals. He highlighted those that are most open to submissions from writers with a spiritual focus, especially for poets (10).

I’m looking forward to “Image, Tone, and Pacing …” with popular poet Tamara Nicholl-Smith, whose work appears in some astonishing venues around the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico; as well as in the prestigious Guttenberg Bible display at the University of St. Thomas (11), in her class that will be coming up next.

Although CLA discussions thus far have taken a slightly more “academic” and classical approach to Catholic writing than the sessions I enjoyed so much at our Catholic Writers Guild live meeting with the Catholic Publishers Association meeting in Chicago last May 30-June 1, 2023 — I’ve found the warm hospitality in Catholic Literary Arts sessions equally welcoming.

With taglines like “Write with Spirit” and “Fearless Catholic Writing” (12), CLA shares with CWG a common call, and we stand together on the same home ground. Their mission statement reveals how congruent they are with our own commitment to work in the world with our God-given talents, and to help bring about the creative vision of Saint Pope John Paul II.

“Catholic Literary Arts encourages ongoing growth in literary, artistic, and spiritual development of artists and writers so that the Cultural Patrimony and rich treasures of the Catholic Church may be more perfectly explored and used to draw all peoples to God.” (13)

If you’re a published or aspiring author of Catholic children’s books, and would like to connect with influential editors from Our Sunday Visitor, Word on Fire’s new children’s imprint Spark, and Pauline Books & Media, there’s still time to register for CLA’s Meet-the-Editor Panel: Children’s Edition, on March 6 at 7:00 PM CST (14).

This might be a worthwhile option to help sustain your motivation from CWCO last month, stay on task, and relieve some of the letdown that can follow periods of deep fellowship with our spiritual colleagues at conferences.

Whatever life you are living as a Catholic writer and wherever you must go this month, may you dance in the winds of March with the Holy Spirit, who leads us all through crucifixion to resurrection.

The author, out for a walk after the March 2, 2023 snowstorm in Tucson, Arizona.
Author’s personal photo, used with permission.
Margaret King Zacharias

© 2024 by Margaret King Zacharias

Feature photo: Snowstorm rolling into Tucson, Arizona on March 2, 2023. Author’s personal photo, used with permission.


  1. 1.
  7. Sarah Cortez, personal communication.

Catholic Writers Conference Online

Two years ago, a friend told me about the Catholic Writers Guild and their annual online conference. At the time, I had just started dreaming of publishing a Catholic chapter book series, but I didn’t know where to start. Feeling overwhelmed, I pursued the Catholic Writers Guild website to see about this conference.

The skeptical part of my brain told me it was too good to be true. The frugal part of my brain told me $40 was a honey of a deal for access to three days’ worth of presentations. (The conference is free for clergy and $60 if you’re not a Catholic Writers Guild member; also, membership is totally worth the $40/year dues). Additionally, all the sessions are recorded, so I could go back and rewatch my favorites and check out the ones my schedule conflicted with.

To say my mind was blown by what $40 got me is an understatement. I took almost a whole journal’s worth of notes and gathered ideas for what it means to be a Catholic writer in the world today. I learned about things that I didn’t even know I needed to know, and felt the Holy Spirit reaffirming that this is what I am called to do. I met other people who shared my passion for writing within a Catholic lens. I started to believe I could actually do this.

I left that conference on fire. Since then, in the last two years, I have published the first three books of my chapter book series, visited Catholic schools to talk about my stories, written and published countless articles (one was even translated into Hungarian!), and started writing and editing Catholic curriculum. None of this would have happened without the Catholic Writers Guild.

The Guild is composed of fellow Catholics who want to use their gifts from God for good. Our genres and styles are as varied as we are, but we all strive to grow in holiness as we write. During the online conference, some presentations were more relevant and helpful to me, but I learned something from every talk.

This year, I am counted among the presenters, and I’m thrilled to volunteer to share my own experiences in the hopes of encouraging and educating other Catholic writers. Sure, I get a small stipend and exposure to other Catholic writers, but that’s not why I’m presenting this year.

Two years ago, women and men from the Catholic Writers Guild planted seeds that have begun to sprout in my life. With God’s continued light and watering, I know I will have full-grown trees one day. In the meantime, I want to spend my time planting seeds of my own.

You don’t have to be an established writer to attend this conference. You don’t have to know what you want to write or even the genre. All you need is an interest: a tiny prompting of the Holy Spirit that the written word may be one of your gifts He is asking you to share.

Join us at the online conference this year from February 23–25, 2024. Worst-case scenario? You’re out $40. Best-case scenario? Well, only God knows that.

© Maria Riley 2024

Seal of Approval, 4th Quarter 2023

Seal of Approval, 4th Quarter 2023


The Seal of Approval was conferred on the following books for the fourth quarter of 2023:
  • Joseph: Little Saint Stories by Cassie Herrington
  • Helmet of Salvation by Theresa Linden
  • Deception in December by Doreen McAvoy
  • Saint Thérèse: The Sleeping Saint by Maria Riley
  • A Home for Jesus in My Heart by Kristina Schoettle
  • Wild Life by Corinna Turner
  • Bonvida’s Quest for Light by C.D. Smith
  • In the Beginning by Stephen G. Kenny
The application for the first quarter opens at noon EDT on Monday, January 15, 2024.

The purpose of the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval is to help Catholic bookstores and venues in their determination of the Catholicity of a work. This reassurance from a professional organization can assist authors in marketing and promoting their works. Books are also judged by their editorial integrity as well. Books that are not professionally edited or publication-ready are not eligible for the Seal of Approval.

Authors looking to reach a Catholic audience, but whose books do not qualify for an imprimatur (like fiction), or authors who do not have access to the process to get an Imprimatur, can submit their book for the SoA. It provides a tangible reassurance to readers and bookstore owners that the book does support Catholic beliefs and values; and in the case that it does not, it gives the author some useful feedback.

Readers can be assured that SoA books will not offend their faith and have a certain level of editorial quality.

Store owners can be assured that they can stock the book on their shelves, host the author for a signing, etc. without compromising their appearance or mission as a faithful Catholic apostolate.

Get more information on the Seal of Approval, including when and how to apply, at


Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval

The Catholic Writers Guild 2024 Conferences and All the News You Need!

The Catholic Writers Guild 2024 Conferences and All the News You Need!


Since it’s November and, in the United States, we’ll soon celebrate Thanksgiving, I want to share a little game I play with myself. I often challenge myself to name 10, 15, or 25 things I’m grateful for in the moment or from throughout the day. (I’ve never not been able to exceed my challenge. God is good!)

Here’s an off-the-cuff list of 10 things I’m grateful for about the Catholic Writers Guild:

  1. Camaraderie with members who share similar goals and missions.
  2. People who get the “Catholic stuff” in my writing.
  3. The online conference, through which I’ve learned so much during seasons where getting away for in-person events was difficult.
  4. The live conference, through which I’ve met so many fantastic people – writers and others – in person.
  5. The connections I’ve made with publishers, editors, authors, bloggers, etc.
  6. The goodness of our members, who are quick to lift up others in prayer and with practical means of support.
  7. The generosity of our members who, though busy, are willing to take on volunteer responsibilities to serve their fellow Guild members.
  8. The Guild’s founders, who saw a need and invested the time and effort to make this organization a reality.
  9. The dedication of our Board members, past and present, who truly have the best interest of the Guild at heart.
  10. The retreats hosted. Would a Catholic writers retreat even be a thing if the Guild weren’t offering it? (And I’ll just take this opportunity to thank Guild member Margaret Rose Realy for all the work she did to make last month’s Guild retreat a success! Thank you, Margaret.)

See how easy it is? I bet you could come up with a list of your own.

There’s a lot going on in the Guild, so please read on for news about our online and live 2024 conferences and other Guild activities and opportunities!

Finally, according to our bylaws, November is the time for our annual elections! Look for a separate email for nominations within a week.

I’ve served the Guild as president since September 2021 and before that as vice president. As the list above indicates, I’m so grateful to the members who have been kind, supportive, and have stepped up to help in so many different ways. You are a generous bunch!

While I’ll be continuing to serve as the Evaluator Coordinator for the Seal of Approval and assist in transitioning to our new website for continuity’s sake (we are so close, and we can’t wait to share it with you!), I will not accept a nomination for president for 2024.

God is still laying stories on my heart over these past very busy years, and I want to get back to writing them. I won’t bore you with my list of other obligations and commitments beyond the Guild – we all have them! – but it’s time for me to scale things back a little bit.

To that end, I hope that some of you will be generous in considering who might be willing and able to take on this role and then submit your nominations.

Guild Member-Hosted Retreat in Sunny Florida!

Sorry, gentlemen. This one is for ladies only.

Longtime Guild member Karina Fabian is  hosting a writing retreat open to ladies of the Catholic Writers Guild.

When: January 5-9, 2024.

Where: The Fountains, Orlando, Florida.

How much: $300 includes accommodations, food, and transportation to Mass at the Basilica of Our Lady, Queen of the Universe.

Limited to the first six paid registrations.

Questions? Email Karian Fabian at



Registration is Open for CWCO 2024!

CWCO 2024 is scheduled for February 23-25, 2024, with pitch practice on February 26 & 27 and pitch sessions on February 28-March 1. Register at

Here are some of the things you can look forward to:

  • A greater emphasis on how our faith informs our writing. We have speakers who will discuss writing as a Calling, literature as evangelization, and even how genre fiction like horror and science fiction can still reflect our Catholic values.
  • Practical advice and tips you can put to work immediately. From managing your time to reconstructing your plot, and developing great characters to building your social media presence, our experienced and well-published presenters share their best practices.
  • Webinar format that incorporates audio and visuals. It’s easy – if you can handle Skype or FaceTime, you can do this! Or call in to listen to the presentations if your internet is slow. (Don’t worry, there’s still chat available for talking or “passing notes.”)
  • Networking. We’ve built in time each year for open chat, sharing links and books, even reading and on-the-fly critique.
  • Recordings! We’ll have recordings of each session available free for attendees.


Spread the Word

Help spread the word about CWCO 2024 to fellow Catholics by sharing the information below and the image above in your parish bulletin.

The Catholic Writers Guild is hosting its annual online writing conference February 23-24. It features presentations on faith and writing, chances to meet fellow authors, and opportunities to pitch to Catholic publishers like Ave Maria and Chrism Press. It’s totally online—no travel!—and costs $60. Learn more at


CWG Live Conference 2024

The Guild is excited to announce that our live conference will once again be hosted in conjunction with the Association of Catholic Publishers (ACP) meeting in Chicago, Illinois!

Our conference dates are Tuesday, May 28 through Thursday, May 30. We have an invitation to attend the ACP’s breakout sessions on Thursday afternoon, and we look forward to the chance to get to know their members. You’ll definitely want to plan your departure for Friday morning to take advantage of this opportunity to meet and learn from Catholic publishing experts. We’ve also invited the ACP members to consider joining us as attendees, speakers, panelists, and mentors!

Consider sharing your expertise as a speaker or panelist: to apply, fill out our Speaker and Panelist Application.

Last year’s conference was our first time working with the ACP, and we’re grateful to be invited back and to have the opportunity to integrate better with their conference. Mark your calendar now; we’ll open registration in February.





Job Opportunity

Catholic Book Publishing, located in Totowa, New Jersey, has served the Catholic community for 112 years. We are currently seeking an experienced editor.


As an editor, you will join a dedicated team that is committed to the publication of timely and timeless Catholic resources that achieve the highest quality of content and production. Our extensive line includes Bibles; Missals; Prayer Books and Devotionals; Spirituality, Marian, and Saints Titles; Liturgical Books; Spanish Resources; Communion Gifts; and Children’s Books.

The successful candidate for this position will possess a strong command of the competencies and requirements listed below.

·      Solid knowledge of the Catholic Faith and familiarity with liturgy
·      Exceptional writing, editing, and proofreading skills
·      Well organized, with the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously
·      Attention to detail
·      Excellent communication skills
·      Capable of demonstrating resourcefulness in problem-solving
·      Strong initiative
·      Marketing capabilities

·      Proven editorial work experience for a minimum of 5 years in the Catholic publishing sector
·      Work in office (no remote or hybrid)
·      Collaborative, cooperative spirit
·      Dedicated, hardworking, adaptable
·      Willingness to travel occasionally
·      Knowledge of Spanish a plus
·      Trade and consumer show experience a plus

Qualified individuals for this full-time, salaried position should send a cover letter, resume, and salary requirements to


Whether you’re a new member or you missed the email invitation in your inbox, we’d like invite you to join the Catholic Writers Guild Heartbeat community!

More than 280 of our members have joined, and it has become a lively place for our members to discuss, chat, critique, plan meet-ups, and more!

If you are an active member (meaning your dues are paid up) and have not received or have lost your invitation, reply to this email, and I’ll be sure you receive an invitation. (If you’re not a member, you can still access our Sunday night chats and the public portion of our community.)

Seal of Approval

Currently seeking an Author Coordinator!

The Author Coordinator prepares the Main Spreadsheet before the start of each quarterly submission period, communicates with submitting authors as to whether their submission has been accepted or if they are waitlisted, updates the Main Spreadsheet to reflect new applications, and uploads book files to the appropriate SOA folder. To volunteer, email

Application dates for 2024:

  • Monday, January 15
  • Monday, April 15
  • Monday, July 15
  • Monday, September 16

During the 24-hour application window, you can access the Seal of Approval application form. Reminder: If your book has received an Imprimatur, it is ineligible for the Seal of Approval but receives all benefits associated with the Seal. More information on the Seal of Approval process.

Reminder: Books designated with an Imprimatur or nihil obstat are not eligible for the Seal of Approval but automatically enjoy all the benefits of that designation.

To become a volunteer evaluator, email the SOA committee at Training is provided.


Seal of Approval, Second Quarter 2023

Seal of Approval, Second Quarter 2023

The Seal of Approval was conferred on the following books for the 2nd quarter of 2023:
Don’t by Gabriella Batell
Changing of the Guard by Corinna Turner
God’s Precious Gifts: A Special Needs Child by Colleen Keefe Faul
St. Joseph: The Foster Father Saint by Maria Riley
Antonio’s Questions by Tricia Mendoza
St. Jerk by D.J. Dixon
The application for the 3rd quarter opens at noon EDT on Friday, July 14.

The purpose of the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval is to help Catholic bookstores and venues in their determination of the Catholicity of a work. This reassurance from a professional organization can assist authors in marketing and promoting their works. Books are also judged by their editorial integrity as well. Books that are not professionally edited or publication-ready are not eligible for the Seal of Approval.

Authors looking to reach a Catholic audience, but whose books do not qualify for an imprimatur (like fiction), or authors who do not have access to the process to get an Imprimatur, can submit their book for the SoA. It provides a tangible reassurance to readers and bookstore owners that the book does support Catholic beliefs and values; and in the case that it does not, it gives the author some useful feedback.

Readers can be assured that SoA books will not offend their faith and have a certain level of editorial quality.

Store owners can be assured that they can stock the book on their shelves, host the author for a signing, etc. without compromising their appearance or mission as a faithful Catholic apostolate.

Get more information on the Seal of Approval, including when and how to apply, at


Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval

Seal of Approval, First Quarter 2023

Seal of Approval, First Quarter 2023

The Catholic Writers Guild recently conferred the Seal of Approval on the following books:

  • A Freedom Such as Heaven Intended  by Amanda Purcell Lauer 
  • Notions of Murder  by Joan Kelly
  • Survival Spirit  byTheresa Alt
  • Shield of Faith  by Theresa Linden
  • A Nation of Tyrants  by C and C Spellman
  • Thérèse of Lisieux: Little Saints  by Cassie Herrington

The purpose of the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval is to help Catholic bookstores and venues in their determination of the Catholicity of a work. This reassurance from a professional organization can assist authors in marketing and promoting their works. Books are also judged by their editorial integrity as well. Books that are not professionally edited or publication-ready are not eligible for the Seal of Approval.

Authors looking to reach a Catholic audience, but whose books do not qualify for an imprimatur (like fiction), or authors who do not have access to the process to get an Imprimatur, can submit their book for the SoA. It provides a tangible reassurance to readers and bookstore owners that the book does support Catholic beliefs and values; and in the case that it does not, it gives the author some useful feedback.

Readers can be assured that SoA books will not offend their faith and have a certain level of editorial quality.

Store owners can be assured that they can stock the book on their shelves, host the author for a signing, etc. without compromising their appearance or mission as a faithful Catholic apostolate.

Get more information on the Seal of Approval, including when and how to apply, at


Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval

CWG Member News: January 2023

Guild election results, conferences, retreat, & new Heartbeat community


January 2023

I don’t have a pretty picture for you this month, but with Saint Thomas Aquinas’ feast day coming up, this quote seemed apropos. “It is only God who creates. Man merely rearranges.”

First, it’s a great reminder that our creativity ultimately comes from God. Second, we’re doing some re-arranging lately at the Catholic Writers Guild. So, let’s get right to it.

Election Results

Thanks and congratulations to our new officers according to our election results (certified by our vice president, Barb Szyszkiewicz).

President – Carolyn Astfalk
Vice President – Barb Szyszkiewicz
Secretary – Michael Shelton
Treasurer – Cesar Chacon
Committee Coordinator – Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur

One-hundred fifty members voted in the election, and four of our five elected officers are incumbents. Welcome to Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur, the new Committee Coordinator, who has served the Guild in a variety of ways, most recently as the Author Coordinator on the Seal of Approval Committee.

Thank you to Patrick Chalmers, who so generously gave his time to the Board as Committee Coordinator in 2022. Your input and wisdom is much appreciated, Pat!

There are many roles in which you can support the Guild besides being an officer. I hope you’ll consider how you can assist the Guild, whether as a 2024 officer, supporting our events, joining a committee, blogging, or more. I’ll be listing volunteer needs in our newsletter each month.


Catholic Writers Conference Online

February 24-26, 2023
Price: $60 non-Guild members, $40 for Guild members.

Register today!



Save the date!

Our in-person conference is scheduled May 30 – June 1, 2023, in Chicago, Illinois, at the Holiday Inn O’Hare. This year we’re partnering with the Association of Catholic Publishers, and we look forward to this new conference adventure! Registration links, room rates, and more will be available soon. You can view the conference schedule:

Catholic Writers Retreat 2023!


Our retreat is back after a hiatus!

Member Margaret Rose Really, Obl. OSB, has graciously volunteered to coordinate a retreat set for October 9-13, 2023 at St. Francis Retreat Center in DeWitt, Michigan.

More details on theme and presenter coming soon!



One of the Catholic Writers Guild’s greatest strengths, as we discovered from our informal survey in 2021, is our community. Relationships are at the heart of what we offer the Catholic writer, along with education conferences and other support for the writing craft and publishing business.

We have a lively Facebook community and a thriving Discord community. (But nary the twain shall meet.)

Additionally, many members are not active on either Facebook or Discord. Some are wary of social media or disenchanted with Facebook, where users are subject to its whims and changes. Discord is sometimes difficult for new users to access or acclimate themselves to. Both sites have various advantages and disadvantages.

In an effort to unify our membership and expand our community, the Board has decided to use Heartbeat as the place where our members meet and interact.

You can learn more about Heartbeat and what it has to offer. Our hope is that it will integrate well with our (new) website and provide a place for not only discussion threads and critique groups but events as well.

I know we’re all comfortable where we’re at. And we’re all tired of adding another app. (Even my puppy’s vet expects us to download an app!) But, I hope you’ll give Heartbeat a look. It’s fairly simply to join and navigate. Is it a perfect solution? No. Is it an improvement for our community? Yes, I think so.

We’ve started inviting our Discord members over, and, if you’re an active member, you’ll be receiving an email invitation soon. Heartbeat is accessible both from your desktop computer and by mobile app. Please take a few minutes to check things out.

(Our Facebook and Discord groups will remain operating as we all learn to navigate Heartbeat.)

Volunteer Corner

Our blog is a place where Catholic Writers Guild members can publish their articles and showcase their writing. We are looking for volunteer writers and editors to join our blog team for 2023.

We especially need editors who can edit one or more articles per month. If our team of editors grows, we will have the capacity to publish more writers.

If you are interested in writing or editing for the blog, please contact

Thank you!


Seal of Approval

The Seal of Approval application opens for the 2nd quarter on Friday, April 14, 2023 at Noon EDT. Once open, you can access the Seal of Approval Application Form for 24 hours. Reminder: If your book has received an Imprimatur, it is ineligible for the Seal of Approval but receives all benefits associated with the Seal. More information on the Seal of Approval process.

Remaining application dates for 2023:

  • Fri., April 14
  • Fri., July 14
  • Fri., September 15
You may notice that the dates have shifted from the beginning of the month to the middle. This was done to avoid regular conflicts with New Year’s, 4th of July, and Labor Day.

Check Your Spam!

If you’re waiting on a reply from an official Guild email account (one ending in or, please be sure to check your spam or junk folder. Unfortunately, our messages have a way of ending up there.

If you’ve not received a reply to a message in a reasonable amount of time, please check your junk or spam folder before resending your message.

With rare exception, I personally reply to messages within 2-3 days, maximum.

Copyright 2023 Carolyn Astfalk

CWG Member News: November 2022

CWG Member News: November 2022

Supporting Your Writing Season




Here we are, well into fall in the northern hemisphere. The red maple tree outside my daughters’ bedroom window is beautiful, isn’t it? Especially with the Blessed Mother there in front of it.

Every season has beauty here. The brilliant white of winter, the vibrant blossoms of spring, the lush green of summer, and the colorful foliage of fall.

Every season has its beauty and its challenges, both our natural seasons and the varied seasons of our lives. Seasons of burgeoning creativity and seasons where our priorities shift. Sometimes caregiving, parenting, illness, injury, and work take the forefront.

The challenge in every season is to prioritize wisely, keeping our faith and family at the forefront. It’s okay to have seasons when writing takes a backseat. It’s also okay to make room for writing.

The Catholic Writers Guild wants to come along side you in those journeys, a unique melding of faith and your writing life. Please see below for our upcoming opportunities.

Also, it’s almost time for our annual elections! Keep an eye out for a nomination message in your inbox next week!

And finally, the Guild has signed a contract for re-branding and updating our website!  The Guild will have a new, more contemporary look, a more user-friendly website, and a new opportunity for easy member communication. (Not on Facebook? Don’t like Discord? That’s okay. We’ll make this simple.) Look for positive changes coming soon!

Carolyn Astfalk



Register at

Social Media Spotlight

We’d like to spotlight our favorite things about the Guild or ways Guildies have helped each other! Do you have an item to share? Bonus points if you send a photo with it. Send a note about your favorite thing about the CWG to

Seal of Approval

The Seal of Approval application opens for the 1st quarter on Monday, January 16, 2023 at Noon EDT. Once open, you can access the Seal of Approval Application Form for 24 hours. Reminder: If your book has received an Imprimatur, it is ineligible for the Seal of Approval but receives all benefits associated with the Seal. More information on the Seal of Approval process.

Application dates for 2023: 

  • Mon., January 16
  • Fri., April 14
  • Fri., July 14
  • Fri., September 15
You may notice that the dates have shifted from the beginning of the month to the middle. This was done to avoid regular conflicts with New Year’s, 4th of July, and Labor Day.


Volunteer Corner

Annual officer elections are just around the corner! Please take a few moments to consider whether you are being called to serve your fellow Catholic writers as an officer in 2023.

We’re seeking a new author coordinator for our Seal of Approval Committee. Thanks to Patrice MacArthur, who has filled this role for many years. Her service is greatly appreciated.

Patrice left a detailed description of her volunteer role, which will make it easy for a new volunteer to step into the job.

Very simply, the author coordinator prepares the spreadsheet before the start of each submission period (four times/year), communicates with submitting authors as to whether their submission has been accepted or if they are waitlisted, updates the spreadsheet to reflect new applications, and uploads book files to the appropriate folder. (Familiarity with Google Drive is helpful.)

If you’re able to take on this role, please email Thank you!


Check Your Spam!

If you’re waiting on a reply from an official Guild email account (one ending in or, please be sure to check your spam or junk folder. Unfortunately, our messages have a way of ending up there.

If you’ve not received a reply to a message in a reasonable amount of time, please checking your junk or spam folder before resending your message.

With rare exception, I personally reply to messages within 2-3 days, maximum.

Copyright 2022 Carolyn Astfalk
Photo copyright 2022 Carolyn Astfalk, all rights reserved.