Tag Archive for: CWCO

Catholic Writers Conference Online: February 11-13, 2022

What is the Catholic Writers’ Conference Online?

A professional, faith-focused writers conference “attended” in the convenience of your own home!

This affordably priced, online conference eliminates the need for costly travel, without sacrificing professionalism. Not only will you receive excellent instruction from some of the top Catholic names in the field today, but you’ll also have the opportunity to pitch your manuscript to publishers from both Catholic and secular markets. All delivered with a Catholic perspective and fellowship.

This is the must-attend online event for Catholic writers!

What do I get?

  • Three days of webinars, delivered with both audio and visual access
  • Workshops for intermediate and advanced writers
  • Topics ranging from finding your calling as a writer to publishing and marketing your book
  • Practical advice and tips you can put to work immediately
  • The opportunity to ask in-depth questions and get feedback from knowledgeable instructors
  • Recordings of all webinars
  • Reference materials from all webinars
  • Networking and socializing between webinars
  • Pitch sessions
  • And something you won’t find anywhere else … emphasis on how our faith informs our writing

How hard is it?

It’s as easy as watching a YouTube video or chatting with Facebook Messenger. In fact, it’s even easier! You’ll receive an email with links directly to the webinars. At the conclusion of each day, you’ll receive another email with the recordings of the webinars to revisit at your convenience.

When is it?

Feb 11-13, 2022, with pitch sessions the week following.

How much does it cost?

$40 for members
$60 for non-members

This year, there is a $5 increase to pay for the webinar software, help defer costs of the summer conference, and support the continuing work of the Guild.

Who’s presenting at the Conference, and what’s on the schedule?

Check out our schedule of workshops, panel discussions, and times for networking and prayer.

Find out about our presenters.

How do I register?

Visit CatholicWritersGuild.org/online-conference and use the sidebar on the right. If you are a Guild member or clergy, contact [email protected] for discount codes.

The Catholic Writers Conference Online is Coming Soon

CWCOiconIt’s almost here! CWCO – the biennial online conference for writers – is set for March 4-6. 2016.  This faith-focused authors conference offers presentations covering all aspects of writing from finding your calling as a writer to publishing and marketing your books.  There will also be online pitch sessions with noted Catholic publishers and secular publishers.

Attendees must register by Feb 27 at on the CWCO website or this direct link. However, if we get 200 attendees, we will close registration early. Don’t delay!

This year, the conference will be held using webinar software, making the experience more personal and immediate.

“We’ve had people asking for webinar formats in the past, but this is the first year we felt comfortable with the technology and the ability of our attendees to stream live presentations,” said organizer Karina Fabian. Fabian said the workshops offer terrific opportunities to ask in-depth questions and get feedback from knowledgeable instructors.

This year’s sessions include an emphasis on the faith aspects of writing no matter what the genre. Speakers like Gary Zimak, author of Faith, Hope and Clarity; Joe Wetterling, President of the Catholic Writer’s Guild, horror author Jonathan Ryan and others will speak on writing as a calling, a literary revolution, and an evangelization. In addition, there are practical workshops including legal issues, techniques for characterization and plotting, how to journal, and time management.

Pitch sessions give authors with finished books a chance to personally interest a publisher.  Pitch sessions include well known Catholic publishers like Servant Books and Ligouri, smaller presses like Liberty Island and Dragon Moon Press, and ebook publishers like eTreasures. (Find the still-growing list here.)

“Every year, we hear back from an author who finished a book, started a project, or got a publishing contract thanks to the Catholic Writers’ Conference Online.  Plus people make contacts and good friends.  It’s a terrific opportunity, especially for those who can’t afford to attend a live conference,” Fabian said.

This year’s conference is $40; $25 for members of the Catholic Writers’ Guild. To register or for more information, go to http://www.catholicwritersconference.com.

Changing Roles

Last week was one of my favorite weeks of the year: the Catholic Writers Conference Online.

I’m in a season of life where traveling isn’t feasible very often, which makes this chance to network and share with other Catholic writers even more meaningful for me.

You see, I’m an extrovert trapped in an introvert’s calling.

How many writers do you know who love socializing, thrill for get-togethers, long to get out?

Yeah, that’s what I thought: not many.

Back when this online conference got started (has it been four years already?), I was a writer-in-secret. This year, I came to the conference with a more seasoned attitude, a passel of my own experience, and in a new role.

This year, I was a presenter.

It strikes me as hilarious. My prayer, over the last four years as I’ve discerned first, whether I should write and then what and how I should write, has been to be an instrument.

Who knew God listens?!?

In that new role this year (with a baby on my lap for much of the time, and heavily depending on my saintly mother-in-law to help me with my little kids), I discovered something that I knew back in my undergraduate days: I love teaching.

Apparently God knows what He’s doing.

Why am I surprised, again and again, when my life experience reinforces this truth?

Next week, I’ll share some of my blogging advice in my column here. If you weren’t able to participate in the CWCO, what would you like to know?